Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Yes, it's been an eternity...

Oh goodness! It's about time I revive this poor blog of mine, which has been unattended for quite a while. Switching to the new version of Blogger was partly to blame, as I kept forgetting my password and having to reset it, which is quite frustrating... That has been settled now.

Actually, I had decided to avoid blogging so that I could work on writing a book, but so far I haven't really gotten to it. I know I ought to be writing, but somehow the days just pass by me and nothing ever gets done... I did contact a few newspapers and invite them to check out this blog, however.

Oh, by the way, I recently downloaded a free evaluation version of Ultra Fractal, which is some pretty neat software. I enjoyed it more than I did Jasc's Paint Shop Pro, but perhaps that's only because working with fractals was entirely new to me. Now that I know how they're done, I can't marvel at them as I used to (except of course, there are some pretty amazing-looking works, but once you've used the software, you realize it's not really that big a deal.) What I'd like to know is how to write the code. That's what's impressive.

Here are some pictures of what I managed to do with the software. Up top are a couple of images created by following the directions in the tutorials. Below are two I made by exploring on my own...

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