Monday, December 26, 2011

Back to Blogging

Here I am, once again apologizing for a long overdue post.

The apology is more to myself than anyone else, really, seeing as this blog probably has, by an optimistic estimate, a handful of readers.

It's been several years since I started this blog, and, young as I was, I've changed a great deal since then. What I said then will be very different from anything I'll say from here on. If I were to rewrite this blog now, the opinions I'd express would be very different, and in some cases, perhaps antithetical to what I've said before. This is all very fine, and now brings to mind a quotation whose author I have forgotten, about how a thinking man's opinions swing like a pendulum throughout his lifetime, rather than being adopted without considerations from those of his forefathers. So, as I add to this online collection of my own thoughts, bear in mind, dear reader, that these thoughts are subject to change, and that I may once again oppose them. However, I can not say that if I ever do, I will be back where I had started four or five or six years ago. Experience will have ripened my opinions, and they will be richer, more colourful, and more informed.